Kontakt os

Hotel Harmonien i Nakskov kan kontaktes på:
telefon 54 95 91 90 eller mail info@hotelharmonien.dk
Receptionen & Administrationen
Tlf: +45 54959190
Email: info@hotelharmonien.dk
Bemandet reception
Mandag – fredag fra klokken 06.00-17.00
Lørdag – søndag fra klokken 08.00-17.00
Tjek ind er mulig hele døgnet
Nybrogade 2, 4900 Nakskov

Hotel Harmonien
Book a hotel stay at one of Denmark's oldest hotels with patina and a cozy atmosphere
Meetings & Conferences
Hold meetings and conferences in cozy surroundings with modern facilities
Company Agreements
Get a company agreement for you and your employees of both shorter and longer duration